Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Or ends like this...

Ok, I'll admit it. I have trouble deciding that it is my bedtime. I'm a night owl. The house is quiet. The night seems endless. There are so many hours before the next day that seem waisted if I just go to bed. There is so much I want to do. I want to sew, crochet, read, talk with my husband, put pictures in albums, read blogs, check etsy, organize my junk drawer....

Last night was my night to spend alone time with my oldest daughter. We play rummikub and then crochet while we watch Supernanny. Well- supernanny was interrupted with the Elk River/Otsego tornado so we sat and looked at etsy listings for awhile when the power went out!!! Nice that my computer has a 2 hour battery- but for some reason we decided that even though it was 10- a reasonable time to go to bed- we needed to collect all the flashlights, light some candles and play more rummikub.

Husband comes home from his meeting to tell us we cannot crochet by the candle- such a party pooper. We send "Lollie" (youngest daughter's name for big sister) off to bed and sit and talk for awhile- waiting for the lights to come back on. We can't go to bed while the electricity is off. Somewhere around 12:30 we decide that we might have to go to bed without our nightly edition of mythbusters or Law and Order. We get ready for bed, don't flush the toilet, (gross), we are just drifting off and I hear the buzz of the electricity flowing back into the house. Instead of a reassuring calmness- I'm zapped with this intense brightness and noise!!!!!!AAAAAAhhhhhh!!!
All the lights in the house are on- including the 3 in bedroom!!! The radio, the lights, the monitor, the printer, the microwave, the computer....... They all give their little restart beeps and toots to let us know we have returned to civilization!!!

and so we can after all fall asleep learning about geese flying into jet engines......
another late night.

Thankfully tonight God sent me an email telling me it was time to go to bed...... I better listen. I'm a little late already.

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