Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You know you live in Stearns County when...

A school bus carrying kids to school swerves to miss a little dog on the road that belonged to 4 kids on the bus and missed the dog but put the end of the bus in the ditch.
The oldest kid on the bus (this bus has elementary age kids on it) gets off and directs traffic until a first responder shows up on his way back from a medical call and assesses the situation and calls his wife who is still sleeping at this hour of 7:15 a.m. She looks out the window and puts on a coat and boots over her pajamas thinking the bus probably has her neighbors kids on it and her neighbor either is about to have a baby or already had it. When the wife reaches the bus she sees that yes indeed the bus is in the ditch. The wife asks the first responder, "Where is this kid from." Man says," He was on the bus." He was rather old... but ok. The snow plow from Kimball arrives. Ok I guess he is doubling as a tow truck this morning. I say something smart like, "Aren't they going to get another bus for these kids to get on??? First responder says, "I don't know what they are going to do." Wife insists that this is crazy to try to pull the bus out with the kids in it. Mom of 4 kids comes down the road. She is not happy. Children are unloaded to the road- thank goodness they have learned "Stay in a line." Wife says to the kids, "Wow are you going to have a story to tell your moms today afterschool." They all said, "We already called them on our phone." Ahem.
Big boy off of bus hooks up chains to school bus and directs plow driver when to start yanking bus. First Responder directs children to move farther down the road as it seems the bus is going to tip over. Adults are a bit nervous at this point. After a few maneuvers First Responder moves his truck further down the road to avoid bus/truck collision as bus comes flying out of ditch. Finally bus in on the road.

Children are reloaded on the bus.

All before 8 a.m. and wife and first responder's children are still sleeping soundly.

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